3. The PTA Membership Competition Starts… NOW!
The grade that has the highest percentage of students represented by a PTA Member will win a grade level popsicle party! Become a member today and help your children win that party! Competition ends Saturday, September 23rd at 10 am.
Click here to join today! It’s quick and easy! And if you join by September 30th, you’ll to be included in the printed directory!
The PTA sponsors special events such as Bingo Night, Multicultural Night and STEM Night. We provide instructional support like Generation Genius and have several assemblies and author visits planned for this year including bullying, a Nigerian Folktale author, Lunar New Year Chinese Lion Dance and a hip hop artist. The Book Fair is hosted by the PTA and we show our teachers and staff appreciation throughout the year!
$35 Membership Fee (covers county, state and national fees)
$100 Donation (we respectfully request a $100 donation per family so that we can run all of our programming)
**Being a PTA member does NOT commit you to volunteering even though we’d love to have you!
Questions? Email Jax at president@waysidepta.org
