Wayside Waves 8.20.23


 1. Join the PTA
2. Volunteer with the PTA

 3. Special Edition Spirit Wear
 4. After School Enrichments
5. Teacher Wish Lists
6. Updated Calendar of Events
7. Back to School Picnic
8. Digital Backpack

1. Join the PTA today!
Help us reach our PTA Membership Goal of 220 Families!
Click here to join today! It’s quick and easy!

The PTA sponsors special events such as Bingo Night, Multicultural Night and STEM Night.  We provide instructional support like Generation Genius and assemblies and author visits.  The Book Fair is hosted by the PTA and we show our teachers and staff appreciation throughout the year!

$35 Membership Fee (covers county, state and national fees)

$100 Donation (we respectfully request a $100 donation per family so that we can run all of our programming)

**Being a PTA member does NOT commit you to volunteering even though we’d love to have you!

Questions? Email Jax at presdient@waysidepta.org

2. Volunteer with the PTA
We need YOU to help run our programming!
Click here to join a committee!  
While the PTA wants to run special events and programs, we need volunteers to plan and coordinate them. Any events without committee members will need to be canceled. Please consider volunteering so our children can have the most experiences and opportunities possible this upcoming school year!
**All volunteers must attend training and comply with MCPS expectations. (For further information, please email Mr. Jones at vernon_a_jones@mcpsmd.org.)
Questions? Email Amy at volunteers@waysidepta.org.

3. Special Edition Spirit Wear is Now Available!

Mrs. Rhoads, Media Specialist, designed new Wayside Spirit Wear for all to enjoy!  Check out all the options here. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the PTA.

Prefer something else? Create your own Wayside Spirit Wear here!
A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the PTA.

Questions? Email Jax at president@waysidepta.org or Kirsten at fundraising@waysidepta.org.

4. Sign up for After School Enrichments
Sign up now for fall enrichments through Kiddo. Please read the dates carefully as each program follows its own schedule.
Questions? Email Kristin at activities@waysidepta.org.

After School Enrichment Program / After School Enrichment ...
5. Teacher Wish Lists

As our teachers return to school, they need our help! Please consider making a purchase to support our teacher’s instructional programming.

Mrs. Weinbaum’s Art Class

Mrs. Freundel’s Counseling
Mrs. Rhoads’ Media Center
Mrs. Young’s Class
1st Grade
Mrs. Rudolph’s Class
Ms. Claus’ Class
Ms. Yanow’s Class
2nd Grade

Ms. Gambrell’s Class
Mrs. Adams’ Class
5th Grade

Ms. Wells’ Class
Ms. Bortnick’s Class


6. Updated Calendar of Events
See what’s happening at Wayside this year!
*Shake Shack Spirit Night added in September.

7. Back to School Picnic
Join us for the Back to School Picnic on September 8th, 5:30-7pm.
Large cheese pizzas are now available for pre-purchase here. Please order before September 1st. Pizzas will be delivered to the picnic at 5:30pm. Questions? Contact Melissa at waves@waysidepta.org.

8.  Digital Backpack
The Wayside PTA provides information on enrichment opportunities in our community as a courtesy to parents. The Wayside PTA does not endorse or recommend any enrichment opportunities.

Big Learning fall programming
C&O Chess Club
Cub Scouts (meet and greet at 5pm on 8/25 at PES)
Churchill Boys Soccer Ball girl/boy sign up