Wayside Waves 9.17.23

 1. Thank you to our Composting & Green Team Corporate Sponsor
2. Staff Appreciation: Donations Needed
3. Membership Competition
4. Spirit Night at Shake Shack
5. Start with Hello week

 6. Spirit Wear Competition
7. Amazon Wish Lists

 8. Digital Backpack

1. Gratitude for our corporate sponsor, Four Brothers Design + Build
The PTA and Wayside Community want to offer a huge thank you to Four Brothers Design + Build for their Composting & Green Team sponsorship.  With their help, Wayside ES will be able to continue composting, which reduces the amount of solid waste going back into the environment and creates nutrients that can be returned to our soil to enhance plant cycles over time. Their generous donation will also be used to educate our students about the environment and support the community at large with green initiatives.

At Four Brothers, our mission is to bring excellence, innovation, and reliability to every project we undertake. We are dedicated to providing top-notch design and build services that transform ideas into reality. Committed to design integrity, quality craftsmanship, sustainable practices, respect, and client satisfaction, we aim to build not just structures, but lasting relationships within our community. Together, we strive to create spaces that inspire, endure, and enrich the lives of all those we serve. We are artisans who “build for life.”

We continue to look for corporate sponsors!  

  • It’s the Little Things Sponsorship (seeking a $1500 sponsorship to allow students in need to select or design Wayside spirit wear of their choosing)
  • STEM Night (seeking a $1100 sponsorship to bring a science performance to the evening!)
  • Community Service Night (seeking a $500 sponsorship to support the purchase of materials used to create Jarod Boxes for sick children in Montgomery County hospitals)
  • Get Moving Sponsorships (seeking $250-$300 sponsorships throughout the school year to allow students in need to participate in after school enrichments)

Interested or have questions?  Email Jax at president@waysidepta.org.

2. Staff Appreciation: Donations Needed ASAP for a Jewish New Year Staff Appreciation Snack!
Let’s give our Wayside faculty a snack with a Jewish New Year flair!  Donations need to be delivered to Jax Stief, 617-869-0681 or president@waysidepta.org, by Wednesday, September 20th.  Click here to sign up now!

The PTA is committed to diversity, equity and inclusion and will be representing various cultures throughout the year.  If you have a holiday or cultural event you want to see represented please reach out to Jax Stief, president@waysidepta.org, with the information.

3.  The PTA Membership Competition Starts… NOW!
The grade that has the highest percentage of students represented by a PTA Member will win a grade level popsicle party!  Become a member today and help your children win that party!  Competition ends Saturday, September 23rd at 10 am. 

Click here to join today! It’s quick and easy! And if you join by September 30th, you’ll to be included in the printed directory!

The PTA sponsors special events such as Bingo Night, Multicultural Night and STEM Night.  We provide instructional support like Generation Genius and have several assemblies and author visits planned for this year including bullying, a Nigerian Folktale author, Lunar New Year Chinese Lion Dance and a hip hop artist.  The Book Fair is hosted by the PTA and we show our teachers and staff appreciation throughout the year!

$35 Membership Fee (covers county, state and national fees)

$100 Donation (we respectfully request a $100 donation per family so that we can run all of our programming)

**Being a PTA member does NOT commit you to volunteering even though we’d love to have you!

Questions? Email Jax at president@waysidepta.org

4. Spirit Night at Shake Shack
Join us for our first Spirit Night at Shake Shack on Tuesday, September 19th!

5. Start with Hello week is September 18th-22nd!

6. Wayside’s Spirit Wear Competition is October 13th! Order Today!
Spirit wear is currently taking up to 3 weeks to arrive, so order now!

Mrs. Rhoads, Media Specialist, designed new Wayside Spirit Wear for all to enjoy!  Check out all the options here. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the PTA.

Prefer something else? Create your own Wayside Spirit Wear here!
A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the PTA.

Questions? Email Jax at president@waysidepta.org or Kirsten at fundraising@waysidepta.org.

7. Amazon Wish Lists
Mrs. Weinbaum’s Art Class

Mrs. Freundel’s Counseling
Mrs. Rhoads’ Media Center
Mr. Rod’s Music Class
Mrs. Young’s Class
Ms. Saunder’s Class
Ms. Egan’s Class

1st Grade
Mrs. Rudolph’s Class
Ms. Claus’ Class
Ms. Yanow’s Class
2nd Grade

Ms. Gambrell’s Class
Mrs. Adams’ Class
Ms. Bronfman’s Class
3rd Grade
Ms. Deutsch’s Class
Mrs. Kaperst’s Class
4th Grade
Ms. Katzen’s Class
Mr. Heckhaus’ Class
5th Grade

Ms. Wells’ Class
Ms. Bortnick’s Class
Ms. Levine’s Class

Ms. Homan’s Class
Ms. Solender’s Class
PEP INC.: Mrs. Gray and Ms. Shafter


8.  Digital Backpack
The Wayside PTA provides information on enrichment opportunities in our community as a courtesy to parents. The Wayside PTA does not endorse or recommend any enrichment opportunities.

Churchill Boys Soccer Night (Free admission for all cluster school students on September 20th)
Churchill Boys Soccer Ball girl/boy sign up
Join Wayside’s Green Team
MYHA Girls Try Hockey Free Event (Register here)
Free screening of the documentary, The Right to Read  (September 23, 2023), sponsored by Advancing Black Lives in Education, Inc