Wayside Waves 10.29.23

 1. Scholastic Book Fair
2. Reflections 2023-2024
3. Halloween
4. Wayside PTA Board Update
5. Box Tops for Education

 6. Amazon Wish Lists
7. Yearbook Photo Collection

 8. Digital Backpack

1. Our Scholastic Book Fair is Almost Here!

This year’s Scholastic Book Fair starts on Friday, November 3rd, and runs through Thursday, November 9th. You can set up your child’s eWallet now for a safe cash-free way to shop! Our book fair will also accept cash, credit cards and checks made payable to the Wayside PTA.Teachers will bring their classes to the book fair at specific times on Friday, November 3rd, Monday, November 6th and the morning of Tuesday, November 7th.

The book fair will be open for all students to shop on Tuesday, November 7th, Wednesday, November 8th and the morning of Thursday, November 9th.

The book fair will be open for all families to shop during Teacher Reading Night on Wednesday, November 8th, 5-7pm.

Help us make this year’s Scholastic Book Fair a success and sign up to volunteer today! Volunteers are needed between 9:30am and 3pm to help students find books and to check students out. Please sign up even if you can only stay for part of the time!

Thank you so much for your support! 

Questions? Contact Marion Haberman at marionhaberman@gmail.com, Kirsten Carr at fundraising@waysidepta.org, Kristen Lavender at kristen.m.lavender@gmail.com or Melissa Adler at m_adler5@yahoo.com.
2. Reflections 2023-2024
Discover your world and explore new cultures or your own through dance, film, literature, music, photography, or visual arts. No experience is required to participate in Reflections! Be recognized as an artist in your community. Choose the arts category you’re interested in, create an original piece of artwork based on the 2023-2024 theme:

“I am Hopeful Because…”

For more than 50 years, National PTA has celebrated the imagination and creativity of students through the Reflections program. Reflections is a unique arts-in-education effort as it engages all students, including two age groups for elementary schools: Primary for K through grade 2, and Intermediate for grade 3 through grade 5.

There are six categories for this friendly competition, and participants can enter in more than one category. The six categories are:
1. Dance Choreography
2. Film Production
3. Literature
4. Music Composition
5. Photography
6. Visual Arts
There is also a division for the Special Artists.

Official rules & category specific guidelines can be found here: https://www.fspta.org/reflections.

How to participate in Reflections 2023-2024:
1. Create your work of art based on the theme “I am Hopeful Because…”
2. Complete the entry form for Wayside students found here
3. Email your completed form to Chuanwen Lu at c.lumails@gmail.com by Monday, November 20th

3. Halloween
The school parade will begin at 2:15pm on Tuesday, October 31st.  Please find a spot to stand outside of the school as classes will travel around the perimeter of the building.  Class parties will start immediately following the parade.

Please see Ms. Hill’s emails for costume guidance and any additional reminders.

4. Wayside PTA Board Updates
The Wayside PTA Board is excited to announce the return of Melissa Adler as VP of Programs.  Melissa served as PTA President the last two years and it is her last year at Wayside.  We are excited to have her help oversee our amazing community building events throughout the rest of the school year.
5. Box Tops for Education
Use the Box Tops App to scan your store receipts for participating products. Wayside will automatically earn cash with every Box Tops product you buy Use referral code XA0X6DP0 when you sign up to get bonus Box Tops.

6. Amazon Wish Lists


Weinbaum’s Art Class
Mrs. Freundel’s Counseling
Mrs. Rhoads’ Media Center
Mr. Rod’s Music Class

Mrs. Jendzurski

Mrs. Young’s Class
Ms. Saunder’s Class
Ms. Egan’s Class

1st Grade
Mrs. Rudolph’s Class
Ms. Claus’ Class
Ms. Yanow’s Class

2nd Grade
Ms. Gambrell’s Class
Mrs. Adams’ Class
Ms. Bronfman’s Class

3rd Grade
Ms. Deutsch’s Class
Mrs. Kaperst’s Class

4th Grade
Ms. Katzen’s Class

Mr. Heckhaus’ Class

5th Grade
Ms. Wells’ Class
Ms. Bortnick’s Class
Ms. Levine’s Class

Ms. Homan’s Class
Ms. Solender’s Class
PEP INC.: Mrs. Gray and Ms. Shafter

7. Yearbook Photo Collection

Questions? Contact the yearbook committee at yearbook@waysidepta.org.

8.  Digital Backpack
The Wayside PTA provides information on enrichment opportunities in our community as a courtesy to parents. The Wayside PTA does not endorse or recommend any enrichment opportunities.

National Kidpreneur Day (November 4, 2023)
Join Girl Scouts
MSA Winter 23/24
MSA Winter Basketball 23/24