Wayside Waves 11.26.23

 1. Winter Enrichments

 3. Chick-fil-A Spirit Night
4. Coaches needed for Girls on the Run
5. Upcoming Author Visit
6. 2nd General PTA Meeting
7. Amazon Wish Lists
8. Yearbook Photo Collection

 9. Digital Backpack

1. Winter Enrichments
Sign up for winter enrichments at Kiddo now!  (Select Winter from the drop down menu.) Registration closes on December 19th. Please note some enrichments are for specific grades before registering. Share with your friends when registering to ensure classes have enough enrollment!

Flyers can be found in the digital backpack.
It’s that special time of year again when Wayside supports families in need during the holidays. Wayside has been a generous partner with KINDH, a nonprofit organization that serves low-income families during the holiday season in Montgomery County.

This year we have two lists of needs so that each family we serve can be taken care of to the fullest degree!

Please look for your child’s grade level and provide to families in need.  All items should be NEW and unwrapped.  Please label all items with the family number so we can organize everything accordingly.  All items must be at Wayside by Monday, December 18th.

PEP, Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd Grades

SCB, 3rd, 4th and 5th Grades

3. Save the Date for a Chick-fil-A Spirit Night!

4. Wayside is looking for Girls on the Run coaches to host a spring team for girls in grades 3-5.
Girls on the Run, a national non-profit organization, designs programming that strengthens third- to eighth grade girls’ social, emotional, physical and behavioral skills to successfully navigate life experiences.”  Coaches mentor and instruct girls on confidence, inclusion and healthy habits for life while training for a 5k run.

Practices are twice a week from March through May, culminating in a 5k run with the Montgomery County communities.

Wayside requires dedicated parent coaches for the program to operate successfully.

Please reach out to Kristin Silbowitz at activities@waysidepta.org if you are interested.

5. Ada Ari will be visiting Wayside on Tuesday, December 5th! 
Ada Ari is an educator, entrepreneur, presenter and an award-winning author on a mission to promote diversity and inclusion in children’s literature. She is retelling some of the most loved African folktales in the form of beautifully-illustrated children’s picture books. These story books are historical artifacts – returning a piece of the African legacy that was lost over centuries of migration from the continent.
Ada is the co-founder and CEO of KOLI & OLUM – the largest collection of board books solely dedicated to teaching Africa’s native languages to young children. The collection features 3 board books per language and currently covers over 18 African languages.
Ada has provided MCPS with a West African studies curriculum geared towards 3rd and 4th grade students.  She also tours the US with her African Storytelling Reimagined programs. This highly interactive program provides students with a hands-on approach to discovering the beauty of African culture through dance, storytelling, and interactions with authentic artifacts.
If you wish to pre-purchase autographed books, please complete this form.  All books must be purchased by December 1st.  Books will be delivered on December 5th after the presentations.

6. 2nd General PTA Meeting
Save the date for our next PTA meeting at Wayside ES on December 5th at 6pm.
The brief PTA meeting will be followed by a presentation on Restorative Justice by Ms. Freundel.

7. Amazon Wish Lists
We are grateful to everyone that has supported our Wayside teachers so far! Please consider a donation this month to show how much we appreciate them!


Weinbaum’s Art Class
Mrs. Freundel’s Counseling
Mrs. Rhoads’ Media Center
Mr. Rod’s Music Class

Mrs. Jendzurski

Mrs. Young’s Class
Ms. Saunder’s Class
Ms. Egan’s Class

1st Grade
Mrs. Rudolph’s Class
Ms. Claus’ Class
Ms. Yanow’s Class

2nd Grade
Ms. Gambrell’s Class
Mrs. Adams’ Class
Ms. Bronfman’s Class

3rd Grade
Ms. Deutsch’s Class
Mrs. Kaperst’s Class

4th Grade
Ms. Katzen’s Class

Mr. Heckhaus’ Class

5th Grade
Ms. Wells’ Class
Ms. Bortnick’s Class
Ms. Levine’s Class
Ms. Drannan’s Class

Ms. Homan’s Class
Ms. Solender’s Class
PEP INC.: Mrs. Gray and Ms. Shafter

8. Yearbook Photo Collection

Questions? Contact the yearbook committee at yearbook@waysidepta.org.

9.  Digital Backpack
The Wayside PTA provides information on enrichment opportunities in our community as a courtesy to parents. The Wayside PTA does not endorse or recommend any enrichment opportunities.

Bethesda Track Club
Elevate Debate (info session for students on 12/8–3rd-5th grade recommended)
Big Learning
Lego Club (K-2)
Lego Club (3-5)
Creative Adventure
MSA Winter 23/24
MSA Winter Basketball 23/24
Ultimate Magic
Overtime Athletics
Mad Science NASA
ACD Dance
Kids Paint Club
Gold Signature Writers
Mudskippers Pottery