
1. Community Service Night
2. Skate Night
3. Wayside Talent Show

 4. Reflections Winners
5. Seeking Volunteers for Nominating Committee

 6. Feedback Requested on MCCPTA Advocacy Priorities
 7. Feedback Requested on MCCPTA Resolution on Digital Balance

1. Community Service Night
Save the date to help with our Community Service Night on Thursday, January 19th, 6:30-8pm in the Wayside APR. More details to follow.
2. Skate Night
Join us at the Cabin John Ice Rink on Saturday, January 28, 2023 from 6:30 to 8pm for an evening of skating!  If you plan to attend, please sign up here! Skate admission will be covered by the PTA. Skate rentals can be purchased for $4 at the rink.  Spectators can watch for free.  Hope to see you on the ice!
3. Wayside Talent Show
Do you have a special talent that you want to share with the Wayside community? The Wayside Talent Show is looking for students to perform in our first in person talent show since 2019. Sign up now to receive additional information about submitting videos of your talent by January 21, 2023. We can’t wait to see you on the stage on March 24th! Questions? Contact Paula Reible at paulareible@gmail.com.
4. Reflections winners
Congratulations to the following Reflections winners!

Dance Choreography • Intermediate DivisionAnnika Sebastine
Film Production • Intermediate DivisionGabriella Reible
Literature • Intermediate DivisionJenna Kirwi
Visual Arts • Primary DivisionMiles Arnold Fuchs, Ella Gorshkov
Visual Arts • Intermediate DivisionLeah Adler

Their art will be entering the MCCPTA Reflections competition. We wish them good luck!

5. Seeking Volunteers for Nominating Committee

The PTA Board is seeking at least three PTA members to serve on the Nominating Committee, which will recruit the slate for the 2023-2024 PTA Board. The timeframe for the committee’s work is February/March. If you are interested in serving on this committee, please contact Melissa Adler, PTA President, at president@waysidepta.org.

6. Seeking feedback on the draft MCCPTA 2022-2023 Advocacy Priorities

Dear Wayside PTA members,

The Advocacy Committee of Montgomery County Council of Parent-Teacher Association is seeking feedback from local PTAs on the the draft MCCPTA 2022-2023 Advocacy Priorities. If you have any modifications or comments to propose, please email the Wayside MCCPTA delegates (delegate1@waysidepta.org and delegate2@waysidepta.org) by January 11th (Wednesday). Wayside PTA Board will discuss the feedback collected, and prepare a summary report to MCCPTA accordingly. When reviewing the draft:
1) Please include the reference to the line number given in the PDF file if making modifications or comments;
2) The eight topics outlined in the draft are of equal importance. Therefore, the feedback that MCCPTA is soliciting is not on ranking priorities of those seven topics, but rather about any topics that are missing from the draft.

Thank you for your time, and please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Deepa Narayanan delegate1@waysidepta.org
Yishen Sun delegate2@waysidepta.org
MCCPTA Delegates of Wayside ES

7. Seeking feedback on the draft MCCPTA Screen Time and Digital Balance Resolution
The Curriculum, Health & Wellness and Technology Committees of MCCPTA are proposing a Resolution on Digital Balance, which asks MCPS to develop and adopt county-wide best practices relating to screen time and access to non-digital curriculum resources in the classroom. Wayside PTA has been asked to vote on this resolution. If you have any modifications or comments to propose, please email Wayside MCCPTA delegates (Deepa Narayanan delegate1@waysidepta.org and Yishen Sun delegate2@waysidepta.org) by January 8 (Sunday). Wayside PTA Board will discuss the feedback collected, and prepare a summary report to MCCPTA accordingly.  Thanks!
Theme: Overlay by Kaira Wayside Elementary School
10011 Glen Rd, Potomac, MD 20854